Great article. The IQ scores of East Asians/Indians do reflect superior intelligence and are not the result of test bias or some other artefact. Intelligence however is necessary but not sufficient for creative and scientific achievement and traditionally it has been the Europeans who dominated in this regard, for whatever reason that may be.
The decision to face post and talk about race is also not a good one; I am in a position where I could post under my real name with no consequences but have decided against it. It's possible that somebody with the right amount of prestige and knowledge could contest the race taboo now with the genetic evidence that is available and win, but the kind of person that goes into academia and gets tenure is unlikely to have the temperament that is suitable for this task.
The G-factor in IQ test however does not put into account creativity and inventiveness however, which are intelligence in themselves
Especially for technical creativity, which is an actual form of intellectual creativity (eg. patent, invention, discovery) unlike artistic creativity which are more emotion based
Honestly I'm unsure how G-loaded creativity and inventiveness are, grades from standardized tests and any careerist-friendly setting are very G-loaded, while someone's intuition or insight is barely explored
There are genius Indians and Chinese... there are also a lot of people with impressive resumes who are imitating their more talented peers, which is a big difference.
Lower hanging fruit and relative iq advantage over the orient that has eroded since the 'equalization'. Every photo of the workforce of some tech company in America is now studded with non-whites, and they are not DEI hires. As for science, it is now quite 'linear', gradually improving upon extant technology through iteration. Whether the Chinese could or could not replicate 18th century leaps in Europe on their own is irrelevant ( although I believe that they could ).
Lol infinite envy against white people, chinese people cant write books or film movies. They cant make games and cant write plays. They produced 8 books, 30 pieces of orchestral music, and 4 deadborn philosophies over 4000 years.
What? They wrote hundreds of books, they're just not translated into English. I doubt it translates well but there's always been a huge and robust Chinese literary tradition that influenced every country around it.
Note that this isnt true. There is no robust chinese literary tradition and I spent years studying this. There is no hidden gem of China, no untranslatable masterpiece.
Book of the dead isnt a book, its a list of religious epithets. True history is dependant on data: Chinese didnt write books, Hindu Vedas are not good. They dont know prose, cant grasp complex themes. Still dont, post colonial literature still sucks. If you left them alone for 10000 years its unlikely they still would produce one new genre of games, plays, books, poetry. This is the most basic honest assessment of civilisation, whites rule asians drool. Forever.
Cuckoo weirdo. Give brown people books, you cant. Not only were you not relevant in the past you will stay irrelevant forever. You will forever pale in the prose of english language and will have to speak it to communicate scientific concepts and ideas. Stay incel.
I enjoyed this article and think many things are right, however some parts were a bit thin on examples and in particular I think one thing is wrong.
BAP repeats the assertion that most Chinese science is junk and that they cannot develop their own world class mathematical or scientific talent, instead having to rely on Western institutions to develop their geniuses. In general the critiques of the shortcomings of "oriental civilisation" may hold some water, but with respect to academia/STEM in particular I think this is arrogant and risks underestimating a serious competitor.
I will pick on the thread of mathematics since I believe BAP may have some familiarity with the elite of that world through his own studies or personal experiences. This may seem like nitpicking at first, but it leads perhaps to a more substantive critique.
It has seemed to me that mathematics is contracting in the US to fewer institutions recently, and that for eight or ten years or so the centre of gravity of that profession is moving to Europe but also to Asia, with some competitive Canadian institutions of note (like McGill and Waterloo).
Many top professors were already moving their students and shifting their efforts towards Europe (Germany, Switzerland for instance) many years ago due to the general dysfunction of US institutions (the top academics often have joint appointments at European or other universities, so this is one of the mechanisms besides simply connections). Many Russian mathematicians have also fled to Europe now which accelerates this trend.
However, today I think a young prodigy might pick Tsinghua's elite program headed by the famous Shing-Tung Yau (of Calabi-Yau) over anywhere else in the world. There is found the greatest density of young talent and enthusiasm, and in fact many western mathematicians are contributing there, either taking up residence or spending significant time. They are being hosted by Chinese institutes like this one, rather than the other way around, so in this way the tide may be turning the opposite direction to what is implied in this essay. For examples, recent Fields Medallist Cauchar Birchar (Iranian) is on the faculty there, along with some other more Western top mathematicians. Lin Chen who was recently implicated in the proof of Geometric Langlands is at Tsinghua. Kenji Fukaya (American/Japanese). Many visiting scholars from the West.
Back to the topic at hand, the STEM departments in the US (science and mathematics and engineering are all the same here) are the single biggest drivers of and believers in the kind of "high IQ immigration" criticised in the article. And they are not doing this because of fears of blacks or insecurities over sexual prowess but because it is the only way they can prop up their departments from further collapse. Of course international talent does not like to be around ghetto blacks, like in Chicago for instance, where someone is killed every other year.
This situation is mostly due, in my opinion, to lack of talent development at home (much better in Russia, China, Romania even when it comes to math), poor funding/career prospects in the academy for Americans, and a general cultural disinterest in these things among "WASP-coded whites", who are more drawn to finance, economics, or business as serious pursuits.
In terms of mathematics, maybe this is not such a big deal--it is scribblings on paper or in LaTex after all. I am not sure Americans as a people have ever been especially predisposed to this pursuit, outside of European-American Jews (with great goy exceptions of course...William Thurston, Steven Smale, John Nash etc....without Thurston and Hamilton there is no Perelman). But it seems much more significant when we talk about Physics or especially Engineering which are great American disciplines. Top STEM Phd. programs in Engineering (especially in hot tech areas) are often 60-80% foreign with huge contingents of East Asians. They aren't really reliant on being around white people or white institutions and mostly what they need is money for these things (China has it!). There is no reason this stuff will not move en masse to China that I can see, if the government there really wants to make it work. If anything, smart white students with interests in these areas want to be around the talented foreigners when they are willing to deal with the smell for their passion, which makes them disposed to ideologies like "High IQ Immigrant Nationalism" more than anything else. Many of the character traits discussed in the article are maybe more true in the "stiver classes" than in the truly top flight workers/minds.
If you want another data point for the argument here from the world of Mathematics, you can look at Putnam results in the past several years. The Putnam is the preeminent math competition in the world for undergraduates (although it may lose that title to Chinese competitions like AliBaba in coming decades). A decade or more ago students from many schools and more diverse backgrounds were always competing for top spots. Now the competition is almost entirely dominated by East Asian students (whether American or International) at one school---MIT. I think MIT (a class of its own), Princeton, Harvard, Washington, University of Chicago, perhaps UTexas Austin and CMU will remain solid, but otherwise even storied departments like Berkeley seem to be somewhat in decline.
A final true nitpick with this article is that BAP rudely ignores the great ENGLISH contribution to Mathematics. Since he is probably looking at the Fields Medal list---James Maynard, Gowers, Borcherds, Mumford. Several others in BRITISH INSTITUTIONS like the Swiss Martin Hairer. John H. Conway. I can only think some suppressed internal sense of shame at the superiority of the Cambridge program could cause such oversights....
I think the main problem with the HBD right is that they think mediocre tier graduates from the orient and elsewhere are worth having. True science, stem, or entrepreneurial talent (like top 1%) should be aggressively recruited, but it’s not particularly important that we get another accountant or registered nurse or H1B programmer or NOVA government contractor from wherever. Less disruptive than the underclass I guess, but not some great priority we need to have at all costs.
I also see that the HBD right can’t see the difference between Indians and East Asians. The former of which strike me as a lot worse than the latter.
Lastly, I think the author overemphasizes blacks. A lot of the HBD right seems to be worried about California and what Hispanic immigration did to it politically. California never had a lot of blacks and they aren’t even the main problem California has with urban blight. Mestizos giving progs unassailable political power in exchange for gibs is what motivates them (this is like literally what Musk says motivates him).
I don't agree with this perspective at all. More accountants, registered nurses, and H1B programmers make our lives easier. Why should we not have luxuries provided to us by foreigners?
I believe that the high number of Asians (immigrant or first gen) in the STEM fields serves to mask serious problems in the American education system. I think these students (and universities) leverage the superior math education (science and overall rigor as well) of China, India, etc.
If for some reason South and East Asian students sitting in Engineering classes and in graduate STEM programs were not given visas for a couple years, this would be a shock to the US system. (Many Americans aren’t aware of who comprises a big chunk of these programs.—And many of these Asian students ARE superior.) If they weren’t allowed in for a couple years, it would force us to shine a light on our K12 system. Should every America student be on a STEM track? Of course not, but without the academic prep, they can’t pursue STEM.
I also mentioned first generation because Asian first gen students often have the benefit of having parents who grew up in a different education system who can easily recognize weaknesses in the American K-12 system and supplement their kids math as needed.
Yes, there are higher average IQs in some groups, but the US has a large population. Surely we could supply a few more home grown engineers.
[Note: I am not advocating that the US copy the education systems of Asia; just recognizing that their students are far better prepared.]
Do they? What if the registered nurses form a cliche and only hire their own, bullying people of other races at work? What if the H1B programmers all work on shady government contracts of little value? What if the accountants reliably vote left and support leftist policies?
I just described the area I live now, Northern Virginia. I'm not convinced it's a place that is really adding much to the country at large. The money all feels dirty, and the schools have all gone hard left (when they bothered to be open at all). COVID was miserable to be around because of the leftism, and how bad our school board and administration has been was national news.
Wealth and quality of life come from a whole social package. You can't just insert fungible worker cogs into a society and increase widget output in some linear equation.
Why do you suppose Indians are worse than East Asians? In my experience, Indian-Americans have been pleasant to interact with and intellectual juggernauts.
Edit: I'm going to leave this post up, but in light of Musk and Ramaswamy's comments, everyone with a brain can see BAP was spot-on in highlighting that the HBD movement was plotting some bullshit hijacking of the MAGA train. Perhaps only someone already wise to the motivations of the HBD crowd could see it so accurately. I am a firm believer that America must cultivate its own homeborn talent over importing desperate foreign labor, and that Musk's belief that the heartland is too retarded to code is stupid and contemptible. All honor to BAP for sighting it so early.
As always, the philosophical and psychological critiques of other perspectives are astute as they were in BAM, but I can't help but feel that the racism is starting to make your advice dubious and questionable. As SourCreamOnionFritz noted, I think the idea that people can't invent unless there's a certain demographic proportion of one race or the other is just blatantly absurd, and reads more like cope that Western nations are in profound danger of having intellectual talent sniped by Eastern institutions with blank checks.
Even in this comment section, you have one guy trolling about how the Irish are no different from the Indians and that WASPs should use both liberally, and you have another guy schizoranting about how rednecks in hurricanes are smarter than actual intellectuals. You yourself observe the actual problem which makes the HBD so powerful. You wrote, "The right cares nothing for its best young and tells them they’re on their own and that if their talents mean anything they will find success in “the market”…this is stupid." Of course it's stupid, but a working-class conservative father is going to feel like his son's a fag if his son wants to write poetry or study Schopenhauer. Maybe if his son is the school's star athlete he'll allow it. Intellectualism for its own sake is a liberal value in the United States, I can't speak on Europe. I remember once talking about heady ideas with someone my age, and when I said I learned something in graduate school, you could feel the simmering envy/contempt radiating from his soul. He'd been told all his life college was for faggots, that a real man learns how to work an electrical box, and here I was, teaching him all sorts of new ideas he'd been absorbing like a sponge.
I'll sound cynical and "clever" here: the White Working Class (particularly in the US) is too dysfunctional to produce anything of ideological worth beyond votes and bodies (Vance already diagnosed this in Hillbilly Elegy, himself being the exception to the rule; he also correctly diagnosed their self-destructiveness as a chief cause, along with an urbanizing economic landscape, not vague paranoic plots against them). WASP inheritors, by contrast, are more interested in finance, crypto, partying on yachts and oiling their bodies to actually give a shit beyond the occasional donation. It'll just never be esteemed to read Curtis Yarvin like it is on the Left to read Butler or Rawls. "Yeah, I think Democracy is Fake and Gay," the 2040 Presidential nominee says at the RNC, speaking to the enthusiastically self-despising masses before him. "I think all of you basically sort of being chattel, Attican slop farmers, while I go raid Phoenicians is unironically the best form of government."
This is all well and good if one is willing to have an Aristocratic divide in the modern conservative movement. Not everybody needs to read: some people are made to break rocks or flatten mortar. But the awful price of Trumpism and its European equivalents is that there can't be an overt literati for the movement. When your whole movement is based around on the idea that impotent schemers (Jews, Bureaucrats, etc.) are controlling you by circulating a nefarious web of mind-raping ideas, most people will defend themselves by shutting themselves off from the realm of ideas, not by skillfully critiquing what they read.
We have to find a way to get the heartland to understand that the refinement of one's intellect is not kowtowing to academics, that as you wrote in BAM, the powers of the intellect are what allows one to grasp the world and take it in one's hands for themselves. A new educational system that isn't built around building people into tools, but around making men capable of questioning the world and taking their rightful place in it, that's more important than either importing Indian replacements or aping Confucian educational standards.
An older Japanese businessman said he analyzed possible reasons why some Western countries were richer and more inventive compared to Asian countries. Came to believe their successful periods came when they were reading the Bible. So he read it himself and "something about the stories changes the mind." Stressed that listening to preachers doesn't work. He started his own company, became much more successful and strategic than his peers who were happy to live day to day. IMHO, many of our achievement limitations come from differences in belief and priority, which are cultural.
Super interesting! This emphasis of, don’t listen to preachers read the Bible, is major especially if approaching from an agnostic/psychological/spiritual place rather than from a legalistic/priestly(bad) place. The Bible can be a radical book.
Cheers I’ll definitely check it out. I would highly recommend the “Jordan Peterson psychological analysis of genesis” series on YouTube. Amazing lectures from before his health issues and before he converted. The appeal for me wasn’t why the bible is “true” it was why the bible has lasted so long and is so trippy and interesting.
I could see that. Exposure to Western ideas gave him just enough freethinking to gain a competitive advantage, but he still understood his own culture well enough to thrive in it.
I have to say, reading this as an autistic computer science student who also happens to be of 100% Bantu African origin. This is surreal. I don't know why I keep back to the "dissident right" space, I feel like porn addict seeking novel and taboo intellectual fap material. Anyway (I can't believe I am saying this) Big Fan, Keep the Great Work.
As a fellow non-white, I feel addicted to the dissident sphere as well but also to BAP despite my many disagreements with him. I know how ugly racism is but...there's just some truths that are hard for an objective person to brush aside.
I mean if a racist discovered real physics and how to properly apply it and no one else did. It's nonsensical to be crushed by reality just because said reality is made to look racist by association.
Truth, Goodness and Beauty remain what they are regardless of proponent. A broken clock right twice a day situation very often.
Don't be discouraged, just absorb as much as you can. Maybe read BAM, Twilight of Idols, Genealogy of morals, etc if you haven't. The DR isn's a political movement or "club". BAP has even referred to genius "black frog" on podcast before.
The cool thing about statistical averages is that they explain outliers like you.
The guy who wrote the three musketeers was half black. It's a pretty great book. I understand why it's one of the classics. Lots of heroism and chivalry and inventive spirited narrative.
I have no doubt that there is some portion of basically any ethnicity/society that could fit in (mostly) seamlessly with European societies. That portion merely waxes and wanes depending on the ethnicity.
I'm actually convinced things like the bell curve overstate the actual IQ differential because a smaller genetic difference will be magnified due to cultural factors.
In short, if you're good, keep at it. You have to be honest with yourself, but your knowledge of your own individual abilities is more important than any statistical group you may belong to. If there's a -1 to INT (and I'm not sure there is), well, maybe you rolled three 6's and have a 17. That's still better than most people.
And if you're not, use the knowledge you gained to pivot to something where you can use it to your own advantage--you might teach comp sci at schools for instance, or you might be good enough to code business software even if you can't work at Google. A lot of companies might be happy to have a 'diverse' person who isn't going to cause them headaches with protests and so on.
Secure the bag and do what you want with your life.
I agree with the comment by @SourCreamOnionFritz but also to make three additional comments.
1. BAP's general point that a simple "retvrn to tradition" in America re: free association, normal policing, is sufficient to solve our many of our urban social problems is well-taken, but his political theory of change is ridiculous. There is no getting back to a simpler time, or taking on the fake policy technocracy, without your own small army of technocrats. The "dictatorship" or "schoolhouse rock", model of change that BAP seems to believe in betrayed by every empirical investigation of the Trump administration's performance and the actions of Trump himself, who began the final year of his first term in office by firing the entire Presidential personnel office. You need some policy nerds, some clerks, and some paperwork experts on your side to get things done. If you alienate 99% of them, they will still join your government AS ENEMIES.
2. BAP's fondness (and prejudices) towards the WASPs lead him to completely neglect their issues and the how's and why's they were displaced by the Ellis Island and Asiatic elite in the first place. If there is no going back, then would not having one or two Singapores in the U.S. be an improvement?
3. Similarly, I also think that the HBD nerd's focus on race and IQ, while deficient in so many ways, also elevates the conversation on net because it makes so much of modern leftism untenable. A world in which leftists consist only of the most close-minded, and literally ignorant people, is a world in which their reach is more limited. See, for instance,
Rawlsian redistribution, mass redistribution to the deficient because they are deficient, simply does not play well in America. Instead, these policies are invariably framed as some kind of "investment" or given some other kind of economistic framing. Thus, the scope for practical anti-leftist arguments is large. The architecture of the most successful policy activism on the right in the last three decades, welfare reform, follows the logic of a right wing anthropologist Lawrence Mead, and was given considerable heft by an HBD race/IQ nerd who could well be a target of this article, Charles Murray.
Thank you for the detailed answer. If I may answer the counterpoints - With regards to;
1). There’s quite a “schoolhouse rock” way, it’s devolution of power from the unnatural New Deal Centralized arrangement back to America’s natural and organic Federation. Every American wide scale arrangement from the Iroquois to the Internet has been a Federation, we’re living through a power struggle of failing centralization. You would be correct if we wanted to take over The New Deal, or save DC. We don’t and we can’t (and shouldn’t). Trump isn’t running as the American Gaullist. To use a colorful metaphor, we don’t need technocrats if we have artillery, or matches. Metaphorical of course.
1a. BAP covered completely the technocratic methods for dealing with the particular boogeyman, Officer Stickwell of say the Giuliani policing era has both the correct techne and sufficient Crat to manage the issue.
(We knew all along, we tried, God knows).
We’re actually quite aware of why and how the WASPS fell, thank you.
We’ve come to realize IQ is overrated. For example, in any emergency but especially Natural Disasters, we have just seen again that in that scenario One Redneck is worth 1000 PhDs. The reverse isn’t true. The rednecks (I am one) also have the advantage of similar appearance to the WASPs, if not their fetching accountants and lawyers, who have recently become quite uncomfortable to realize they’re being lumped into the same category as the WASPS and shudder… the rednecks. It may of course be remarked that the WASPs in America began as Rednecks, and their er point 2 clerical usurpers as the urban variant of “redneck.”
I do hope this places all the rebuttal points in perspective. It is true that if we wanted to save the existing order you and the Heritage Foundation and it’s solicitous Project 25 would be correct… but we don’t want to preserve or reanimate the corpse… but bury it.
Oh good. But the existing order sir are clerks who’ve gone insane.
Perhaps I misunderstood save…
… or the term “order.”
My view is his very approach, the slightest and most insignificant challenges have toppled the existing order into madness and chaos.
But the problem at the DC level- and not by the way America overall - is there’s no replacement. This is disruption and devolution of power, it was never going to be pretty.
Mass opinion probably supports, and certainly does not strongly oppose, the establishment in D.C. Trump lost popular vote in both 2016 and 2020 and generic opinion polls show a robust consensus in favor of the biggest government programs, e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, social security, etc.
Trump will not be disruptive or devolve power. If you think he will, you should put forth an explanation for why he was not in his first term, but will be now.
My dear sir, your first sentence reveals we live in different universes.
We hate them back, you understand that?
They have long loathed us, we now hate them back.
In any case the Establishment is collapsing. That it trembles before PT Barnum Trump is a sign of such weakness as to betray hopelessness. Trump has already accomplished that purpose by merely persisting, their entire coalition gives way.
I don’t think anyone can save them, and in any case regardless of Trump’s intentions (which since they shot him can’t be entirely benevolent) he can’t save them… nor should he. Nor us.
BTW we do not exist for them, but they explicitly and by contrast politically and socially, Constitutionally exist for us…
…. Which they have forgotten and you don’t comprehend.
Finally as regards putting forth this or that proposition so you can disagree… you may be a teacher, but the world and me are not your students. I don’t care and neither does anyone else about making our case make sense to anyone but we ourselves… and you from tone are not one of us. Certainly our interests are opposed. You seem to have an interest in the DC Establishment- well … their interests are fatally opposed to ours - the American nation.
If they live, we die. If we live, they are De-Established. They the Establishment certainly speak and act as if they understand.
We shall make our case Tuesday, and I suspect make the matter far past Tuesday. Blessedly the matter shall next week either be settled or past talking, the blessing being we shan’t have to talk and propose any more…
@Bronze Age Pervert this is a very good retort and merits a response.
In your book and in this article you wisely advise RW men to enter more mundane clerk type fields like law or political consultant.
Yet here you have this psychoanalysis of nerdoid human type. Even if your assessment is part accurate the experience of trump admin 1. Revealed how necessary policy wonks and detail knowers are.
For instance, admin made many unforced errors due to lack of knowledge of admin law (they often outsourced these tasks to career employees who sabotaged and subverted, see eg; DHS head Elaine Duke in DHS v Regents case (DACA case)).
Bureaucrats can also just straight up refuse to do the legally necessary paperwork. So you need enough ideologically sympathetic clerks to replace them
only the last part related to the dreary clerk question. The writer’s style and voice is familiar, and he engages in ad hom attacks (starting with the title of publication), but im sure it would be a worthwhile exchange
>You need some policy nerds, some clerks, and some paperwork experts on your side to get things done. If you alienate 99% of them, they will still join your government AS ENEMIES.
This seems to be the direction the (coming?) Trump admin is going for: firing the deep state and replacing them with our guys.
The odds of this actually happening are quite small and its in large part because BAP's "great man" theory is both common on the right and wrong. Trump will face no penalty for business as usual, and that is the direction he will go. Musk, Zionists, and a few other billionaires are likely to push for some initiatives, which have their merits, but that is as far as things are likely to go. That BAP encourages some people, in some cases, to join the security bureaucracy etc. is actually less important than the overall frame of mind that endorses the "great man" theory of change. The accumulation of evidence that this won't get us where we need to go is now enormous. You need some community of idea-people, you need some wonks, and some institutions to do things. A movement that denigrates the special knowledge of right-wing wonks, of which, HBD is an important part, will fail.
It seems to me there is a tension in BAPs thought, which as far as I know he has not fleshed out publicly at this point, between his more "humanistic" goals (reestablishing an emphasis on man's excellence in its full sense body, mind, spirit) and the desire for continuation and acceleration of "technological civilisation". Right now the latter *needs* nerds. The projects may be reconcilable but it is a problem.
With respect to his eugenic goals, if these are to be implemented on a scale beyond a few friends on an island with a breeding oracle (BAP), a technocratic solution seems necessary? The best ideas we have now that go further than traditional reasonable governance might ---GWAS, selection etc. --seem to call for more sequences, more phenotypic observation, better models, more people/biological diversity and new ideas/technology that go beyond what we can imagine at the moment. A premature optimisation by too much early focus on "quality" may be counterproductive. Dismissal of HBD worries about collapsing birth rate may not be the best direction here?
The problem is he's a Nietzschean. I don't mean this to be pejorative, I mean that he's in a difficult spot of reconciling the rational account of how power in the world operates and how that create a state that engenders flourishing (namely through anonymous processes of legislature, jurisprudence and bureaucracy), and the flourishing life itself. The flourishing life, as you might imagine for BAP, never involves itself with paperwork. The Nietzschean ideal is something between a warrior and an artist, more inclined to unsettle the settled or burn down the prisons. How can someone who loves Nietzsche descend into the doldrums of designing a system of government? It's like asking a Kantian to indulge in erotic fervor.
He gives it away in BAM. Most people are going to live squalid stupid lives making the system run (even in enlightened cities, he argues that the plebs suffer so that some members of the upper echelons might live beautiful, meaningful lives), and that's just the price to be paid in a bureaucratic city. Now, granted, he's talking about cities in the Renaissance here if I recall correctly, but even then, the problem has probably worsened since then, not improved.
But what's odd is his Aristocracy is built around a kind of beauty, clearly sexual in nature (and vital insofar as vitality is sexy, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND as he claims in the first few chapters of BAM. Better to be a self-destructive rocker who genuinely thrills the ladies than to be a 5'11" futball legend who gives women unpleasant feelings). He praises warriors, but this can't be taken too seriously: we live in an age where you can train relentlessly and become based Evropa Chad who knows the sarissa. Then you get blown up by a non-binary tiktokker sipping on Starbucks via drone strike. What I suspect his real belief is that conservatives will win due to the elevation of special beauty individuals who create cults of loyal admirers through their charisma and erotic appeal, and these admirers will naturally create the systems out of love. And these charismatic and erotic people will have some special biological aspect that can be spread through their unbridled promiscuity.
The collapsing birthrate is bad from a eugenic perspective primarily because it dissuades high caliber people from having kids (contagion) and reduces genetic diversity from which selection takes place. The rest of your comment is sensible.
The scientific and industrial output of Japan is far from negligible. For instance, ivermectin was discovered by Omura.
I agree that black people's behavior is not some massive insurmountable problem dealing with which requires giga-Singapore.
None of this really matters in the long run because of cratering birth rates everywhere with an average IQ above 80. Whatever comes out the other end of this funnel will be equally distant from Singapore, SoHo and Haiti.
Eastern superior intelligence: both India and China teach chess in school and strive to be chess nations. After years of trying hard, their combined number of grandmasters: about 130 (pop: almost 3 billion). Chess culture in Scandinavia is small, it is not taught in school (or supported by the state), and is non striving. There are about 60 Scandinavian grandmasters (pop 27 million). What means?!
My reading of this is that FIDE Chess is culturally Western, while other cultures are wedded to their own historical variants, ie Shogi, Xianqi, Makruk, Sittuyin, et al. Just because you support a pursuit from the top-down, doesn't mean you'll get the bottom-up grassroots response you want.
I’ve come to treat with much suspicion the current RW idea of “racial solidarity” or “white identity.” At this point I see it mostly as DEI for non-Anglos. Populations Madison Grant would have rejected but who nonetheless have suddenly found a way to graft themselves onto the “Great Race.”
This is not in support of mass immigration, but I fail to see why a WASP should prefer this or that potato n166er or snow n166er (as they used to be called) to a Singaporean or a Korean.
People from eastern Europe, particularly the Balkans, do not appear more intelligent than non-whites but they're somehow lumped into the "white" label and then glorified by these RW morons who only think in terms of physical features. Similar dynamic for Scotch-Irish Americans. Heck, even the boring "salt of the earth" German-descent Americans in the Midwest have produced nothing in terms of art, science, or culture.
Why is so much fraternal solidarity extended to these groups by the dissident right?
Re E Euros: things are not nearly as simple as either of you make them out to be. They (mostly kind of) look like us, but they're not really the same people.
In the Balkans yeah they're dumber than W Euros--not nearly as dumb as blax--but this isn't the main problem. The thing that really makes them different is that they haven't created functioning societies. Instead they live in a state of unstable equilibrium brought about by the extreme mutual suspicion, resentment and petty competitiveness of the suffocating peasant longhouse (fedora tip to the author of this piece).
The Balkan country with which I'm best acquainted never had a native mass commercial middle class, and I think there are *many such cases* in the region. This is why peasant social mores are dominant in the Balkans today; there are other reasons, but this is the most important one. It's got *something* to so with IQ, but I don't think a gap of 2/3 of a SD or whatever is what really counts.
Balkanoids know this, which is why they ply you with obfuscatory half-true copes like 'oh yah if it wasn't for COMMUNISM we'd be EVEN MORE ADVANCED than you occidentals look at our beautiful traditions and we invented the jet engine also THE TURKS!' When they say this sort of thing they sound like blax invoking slavery--or, more crudely, RAcSiM--to explain why they can't understand mathematics.
There is a disturbing tendency among those who have spent time in NW Europe to take sides with the NW Euro hating subaltern races, including themselves in the hard-working/tax-paying/pension-supporting turd world multitude who keep your society afloat by cleaning your toilets. The things you hear from this kind of person are indistinguishable from the kind of stuff you get from Nigerian nurses in the NHS.
Also, as belt and road has come to their countries, some--out of self-interest combined with low-frequency resentment of the West--have become Sinophiles. This leads them to say things like 'oxoxoxo yes yes yes my friend of course of course if China had been ze ruler of the world instead of ze English it would be a much better place they are very wise and compassionate ze English very cold people yes of course my friend yes yes'
hehehe sorry mayb I got carried away with own verbosity
You know the 'we do the jobs you locals don't want to do coz you're too LAZY and OLD' meme the regime inculcates in the fruitpicker/arse-wiper races? Until very recently E Euros did such jobs in W Europe and bought into the meme. But it's ok: they're going home now because they're being completely displaced by cheaper subcontinentals, pinoys, Indonesians and Africans...
Most likely because it’s self-serving. The “dissident right” isn’t the historic America of Little House (because by and large that America doesn’t exist anymore). Instead they are a hodge podge of Bulgarians and Irish people calling itself the “Historic American Nation.”
The Midwest has been very industrial & innovative.
There seems to be a gradient. Tesla was the one cool thing to come from the Balkans.
But many Celts & Finns have produced great work in America. The Dutch & French have been extremely ingenuitive & philosophical. Russia has produced great works & shown itself resilient.
I would only say the Balkans, Iberians, & east-central Slavs are trash (Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Slovaks). This of course includes groups like Albanians.
It's Anglo American protestantism and the Balkans had 100s of years of Ottoman Turks savagery to deal with. But yeah a Bolivian, zulu, aborigine or Maori are probably as smart.
Okay, sorry for the friendly fire. Frankly, I don't have much of a problem with the Singaporeans or Indians myself, but I don't think the RW tendency towards White identity is insane. I think the honest answer to that question is this: the idea of there being a White Identity is stupid whenever the RW tries to generate one of its own accord. Like you say, the eugenicist factions didn't see the Irish or the Italians as part of the "Great Race". WASPs aren't Scots, Balkanoids are not People of the Potato.
But as a response to Leftist categorization schema, the idea of there being a White movement is actually rather logical. Think about it. Imagine a group, let's call them Group A. Group A is told incessantly is has all the privilege in the world by Group B. Group B, of course, controls the entertainment industry, most of the journals and chronicles, most of the academic institutions, I don't need to belabor it further. Group A, naturally, is at something of a disadvantage compared to Group B, and worse, has to refute charges that it already hoovers up everything. Because Group B is so powerful, Group A's definition is left to the whim of Group B. In this case, Group A is basically all the whites who aren't going along with the whole Obama thing. Whether your last name is Schmidt, Kowalski, or Newton, if you think Trump generally has the right idea, the Leftists are gonna put you in the same box. You see it with Elon Musk, for example, who's getting tarred and feathered the exact same way that Brian O'Sullivan would at the factory after he said he didn't want anymore immigrants.
I think in RW analysis of whiteness, White identity is basically anybody that you imagine a liberal academic would say is "privileged" and they don't bother checking the last names or the ancestry. I think a lot of RW is delusional about this, you know, it's a pride thing. They don't want to admit they're in the box the Leftists put them in (I don't see the problem, the Cavaliers back in the English Civil War took the name even though it was originally an insult levied at them). The attempts to mythologize or define it as a genetic thing are always bound to be retarded. The truth is "White People" is whoever isn't a minority, and who isn't allowed to have interests of their own without running the risk of being called racist.
I think BAP's problem here is that we ultimately end up with another two-tier system with a caste of East Asian technocrats and a band of White warm bodies at the bottom. I think he's being too harsh on East Asians though, and not harsh enough with the White base. Someone has to be smart enough to run the machine, and if the typical White is too dysfunctional to be of use to the monied, East Asians will have to fill the bill. Until we see Applachia start supplying anesthesiologists and historians, you've got to outsource it.
I naturally reject anti-whiteness. My family is white and I’d never acquiesce to any denigration of them. So yes, rejecting the left’s crude anti-whiteness is virtuous. But it doesn’t mean that the group the left hates is a great race of hyperboreans that I’m supposed to make-believe are “historic Americans.” Historic Americans are Anglo-Protestants, that’s pretty much it.
Also, if you define “hyperboreans” based on whomever the left lumps as whites, then Jews belong there too. The left considers Jews as whites, oppressors, blah, blah. But I don’t think the online right wingers who long for “Hyperborea” are very sympathetic to the inclusion of Jews.
Didn't quite get your view before this, many trvths learned.
Techcels tend to be spergy system analysts whose political insight amounts to, "What if the smartest people ruled the world? What if we have an exam? What if I check all the boxes?"
This article just reads as a justification for maintaining your belief structure that Europeans are genetically and inherently superior while ignoring every counter factual. It gets quite boring after a while and maybe I will do a take down, but thee ancient Greeks were almost entirely Anatolian Neolithic farmer with very low levels of steppe ancestry. Romans had Levantine ancestry from Phoenicians. Anyway I I just the superiority theory dumb as it causes Westerners to rest on their laurels. The Turks are waiting, the blood of the Byzantines runs in their veins.
Selection can happen very rapidly so that a mostly Anatolian farmer pop can become high IQ under particular circumstances whereas a different mostly Anatolian population can be low IQ.
Can you imagine if like Augustus Caesar had decided to do eugenics and his lineage had just somehow survived to the modern age? Like CK3 superhuman type shit.
1 The theory that an Eastern orientation will doom American science to a striver pantomime culture works as a critique of "Dork Right" Sinophilia. As a standalone concern it makes less sense - American science is already almost as bad as Chinese science in terms of being perpetual citation-farm cargo cult (example- "cytokine storm" meme originates in China but dominates American lit on Covid-19 for next five years, absent any real existence as a facet of Covid-19).
1b So, I agree what SourCreamOnionFritz say comment below - American universities are already dependent on importing hoards of (your term:) "beiges" and this I think reflects absolute rot in American academia, no longer nurturing to American white / Jewish male ambition-to-master-nature if any such still is found in young. This rot is already clear in biology by the 1990s (begin of some recently-uncovered amyloid-hypothesis fraud) but probably starts with over-expansion/democratization of the field after 1960s. Only solution is return to more guild/society-like male-dominant silos. So you have this (minus male-dominance) in private biotech e.g. Sorrento Valley but even here the dependency on foreign talent is high. Lots of high-SDev Southeast Asians, some Europeans; notably not so many East Asians except in business and China-collab side. But none of these have yet made it so far in their respective pursuits to upend how everyone else is working and thinking, and the tendency may rather be that they are all driven by mundane marketing priorities to focus only on narrow practical improvements in this or that existing product. /tangent
2 Last three years especially police and young male disinterest in Chauvin and Penny scapegoating utter prove you right about inertness / causticity of race talk to white polities. I think "BAP turns chair backward and shares the real dope on race talk with the youth" is extreme important work. But perhaps more-so as it relates to formally political speech for the next few decades. In informal speech, where when not anonymous race-realism is, yes, career suicide, I think it is more a question of can a resumption of 19th/20th-C race question / "moral racism" societies now survive with the post-war Liberal Establishment so discredited as to make state suppression too destabilizing this go-round. And as soon as such societies exist, whites will resume understanding race as political (just as they did before 1970 and as all non-whites still do). Abolitionism as a mainstream concept didn't exist when Henry Ward Beecher was born and slavery was ended well before he died. Either same happens with "abolitionism of universal rights-ism" or west gets favela world anyway. I dunno the future though.
2b In the American context this is an important problem, because the "simple" tool of law and order as a solution to black crime is no longer available as a race-neutral political proposition. Americans of both political tribes embraced this when the staggering magnitude of black interaction with law enforcement and prisons required to effect it were conveniently ignored by the media; that's not going to ever happen again. There's no "second 90s" option.
What is interesting is that the Mandarin Class in China arose precisely because of intense warfare requiring scaling up to be effective. The Warrior Aristocracy getting eroded by attrition. The rise of the Infantry. And the need to collect taxes and organise on a large scale.
Also the Civil and Military Separation stopped Aristocrats from warring for the Throne. Cementing the King/Emperor in his place as he replaces Warrior Aristocrats with Dorks with power(Officials).
Great article. The IQ scores of East Asians/Indians do reflect superior intelligence and are not the result of test bias or some other artefact. Intelligence however is necessary but not sufficient for creative and scientific achievement and traditionally it has been the Europeans who dominated in this regard, for whatever reason that may be.
The decision to face post and talk about race is also not a good one; I am in a position where I could post under my real name with no consequences but have decided against it. It's possible that somebody with the right amount of prestige and knowledge could contest the race taboo now with the genetic evidence that is available and win, but the kind of person that goes into academia and gets tenure is unlikely to have the temperament that is suitable for this task.
The G-factor in IQ test however does not put into account creativity and inventiveness however, which are intelligence in themselves
Especially for technical creativity, which is an actual form of intellectual creativity (eg. patent, invention, discovery) unlike artistic creativity which are more emotion based
Not superior IQ but definitely will inflate grades.
Honestly I'm unsure how G-loaded creativity and inventiveness are, grades from standardized tests and any careerist-friendly setting are very G-loaded, while someone's intuition or insight is barely explored
Creativity is separate from pure brute force intelligence because creativity is a personality trait related to temperament.
There are genius Indians and Chinese... there are also a lot of people with impressive resumes who are imitating their more talented peers, which is a big difference.
Lower hanging fruit and relative iq advantage over the orient that has eroded since the 'equalization'. Every photo of the workforce of some tech company in America is now studded with non-whites, and they are not DEI hires. As for science, it is now quite 'linear', gradually improving upon extant technology through iteration. Whether the Chinese could or could not replicate 18th century leaps in Europe on their own is irrelevant ( although I believe that they could ).
Lol infinite envy against white people, chinese people cant write books or film movies. They cant make games and cant write plays. They produced 8 books, 30 pieces of orchestral music, and 4 deadborn philosophies over 4000 years.
I liked crouching tiger, hidden dragon.
Anyway, if science is linear, that's an indictment of its current state.
How do you know science could not be advanced further in some new way we have not guessed yet?
Very Oriental mentality.
What? They wrote hundreds of books, they're just not translated into English. I doubt it translates well but there's always been a huge and robust Chinese literary tradition that influenced every country around it.
Note that this isnt true. There is no robust chinese literary tradition and I spent years studying this. There is no hidden gem of China, no untranslatable masterpiece.
Book of the dead isnt a book, its a list of religious epithets. True history is dependant on data: Chinese didnt write books, Hindu Vedas are not good. They dont know prose, cant grasp complex themes. Still dont, post colonial literature still sucks. If you left them alone for 10000 years its unlikely they still would produce one new genre of games, plays, books, poetry. This is the most basic honest assessment of civilisation, whites rule asians drool. Forever.
Cuckoo weirdo. Give brown people books, you cant. Not only were you not relevant in the past you will stay irrelevant forever. You will forever pale in the prose of english language and will have to speak it to communicate scientific concepts and ideas. Stay incel.
Indians do not have superior intelligence as a group. A very small elite sample out of a population of 1.4 billion people do.
Glad to see you writing more long form, excellent
I enjoyed this article and think many things are right, however some parts were a bit thin on examples and in particular I think one thing is wrong.
BAP repeats the assertion that most Chinese science is junk and that they cannot develop their own world class mathematical or scientific talent, instead having to rely on Western institutions to develop their geniuses. In general the critiques of the shortcomings of "oriental civilisation" may hold some water, but with respect to academia/STEM in particular I think this is arrogant and risks underestimating a serious competitor.
I will pick on the thread of mathematics since I believe BAP may have some familiarity with the elite of that world through his own studies or personal experiences. This may seem like nitpicking at first, but it leads perhaps to a more substantive critique.
It has seemed to me that mathematics is contracting in the US to fewer institutions recently, and that for eight or ten years or so the centre of gravity of that profession is moving to Europe but also to Asia, with some competitive Canadian institutions of note (like McGill and Waterloo).
Many top professors were already moving their students and shifting their efforts towards Europe (Germany, Switzerland for instance) many years ago due to the general dysfunction of US institutions (the top academics often have joint appointments at European or other universities, so this is one of the mechanisms besides simply connections). Many Russian mathematicians have also fled to Europe now which accelerates this trend.
However, today I think a young prodigy might pick Tsinghua's elite program headed by the famous Shing-Tung Yau (of Calabi-Yau) over anywhere else in the world. There is found the greatest density of young talent and enthusiasm, and in fact many western mathematicians are contributing there, either taking up residence or spending significant time. They are being hosted by Chinese institutes like this one, rather than the other way around, so in this way the tide may be turning the opposite direction to what is implied in this essay. For examples, recent Fields Medallist Cauchar Birchar (Iranian) is on the faculty there, along with some other more Western top mathematicians. Lin Chen who was recently implicated in the proof of Geometric Langlands is at Tsinghua. Kenji Fukaya (American/Japanese). Many visiting scholars from the West.
Back to the topic at hand, the STEM departments in the US (science and mathematics and engineering are all the same here) are the single biggest drivers of and believers in the kind of "high IQ immigration" criticised in the article. And they are not doing this because of fears of blacks or insecurities over sexual prowess but because it is the only way they can prop up their departments from further collapse. Of course international talent does not like to be around ghetto blacks, like in Chicago for instance, where someone is killed every other year.
This situation is mostly due, in my opinion, to lack of talent development at home (much better in Russia, China, Romania even when it comes to math), poor funding/career prospects in the academy for Americans, and a general cultural disinterest in these things among "WASP-coded whites", who are more drawn to finance, economics, or business as serious pursuits.
In terms of mathematics, maybe this is not such a big deal--it is scribblings on paper or in LaTex after all. I am not sure Americans as a people have ever been especially predisposed to this pursuit, outside of European-American Jews (with great goy exceptions of course...William Thurston, Steven Smale, John Nash etc....without Thurston and Hamilton there is no Perelman). But it seems much more significant when we talk about Physics or especially Engineering which are great American disciplines. Top STEM Phd. programs in Engineering (especially in hot tech areas) are often 60-80% foreign with huge contingents of East Asians. They aren't really reliant on being around white people or white institutions and mostly what they need is money for these things (China has it!). There is no reason this stuff will not move en masse to China that I can see, if the government there really wants to make it work. If anything, smart white students with interests in these areas want to be around the talented foreigners when they are willing to deal with the smell for their passion, which makes them disposed to ideologies like "High IQ Immigrant Nationalism" more than anything else. Many of the character traits discussed in the article are maybe more true in the "stiver classes" than in the truly top flight workers/minds.
If you want another data point for the argument here from the world of Mathematics, you can look at Putnam results in the past several years. The Putnam is the preeminent math competition in the world for undergraduates (although it may lose that title to Chinese competitions like AliBaba in coming decades). A decade or more ago students from many schools and more diverse backgrounds were always competing for top spots. Now the competition is almost entirely dominated by East Asian students (whether American or International) at one school---MIT. I think MIT (a class of its own), Princeton, Harvard, Washington, University of Chicago, perhaps UTexas Austin and CMU will remain solid, but otherwise even storied departments like Berkeley seem to be somewhat in decline.
A final true nitpick with this article is that BAP rudely ignores the great ENGLISH contribution to Mathematics. Since he is probably looking at the Fields Medal list---James Maynard, Gowers, Borcherds, Mumford. Several others in BRITISH INSTITUTIONS like the Swiss Martin Hairer. John H. Conway. I can only think some suppressed internal sense of shame at the superiority of the Cambridge program could cause such oversights....
I think the main problem with the HBD right is that they think mediocre tier graduates from the orient and elsewhere are worth having. True science, stem, or entrepreneurial talent (like top 1%) should be aggressively recruited, but it’s not particularly important that we get another accountant or registered nurse or H1B programmer or NOVA government contractor from wherever. Less disruptive than the underclass I guess, but not some great priority we need to have at all costs.
I also see that the HBD right can’t see the difference between Indians and East Asians. The former of which strike me as a lot worse than the latter.
Lastly, I think the author overemphasizes blacks. A lot of the HBD right seems to be worried about California and what Hispanic immigration did to it politically. California never had a lot of blacks and they aren’t even the main problem California has with urban blight. Mestizos giving progs unassailable political power in exchange for gibs is what motivates them (this is like literally what Musk says motivates him).
I don't agree with this perspective at all. More accountants, registered nurses, and H1B programmers make our lives easier. Why should we not have luxuries provided to us by foreigners?
I believe that the high number of Asians (immigrant or first gen) in the STEM fields serves to mask serious problems in the American education system. I think these students (and universities) leverage the superior math education (science and overall rigor as well) of China, India, etc.
If for some reason South and East Asian students sitting in Engineering classes and in graduate STEM programs were not given visas for a couple years, this would be a shock to the US system. (Many Americans aren’t aware of who comprises a big chunk of these programs.—And many of these Asian students ARE superior.) If they weren’t allowed in for a couple years, it would force us to shine a light on our K12 system. Should every America student be on a STEM track? Of course not, but without the academic prep, they can’t pursue STEM.
I also mentioned first generation because Asian first gen students often have the benefit of having parents who grew up in a different education system who can easily recognize weaknesses in the American K-12 system and supplement their kids math as needed.
Yes, there are higher average IQs in some groups, but the US has a large population. Surely we could supply a few more home grown engineers.
[Note: I am not advocating that the US copy the education systems of Asia; just recognizing that their students are far better prepared.]
"make our lives easier"
Do they? What if the registered nurses form a cliche and only hire their own, bullying people of other races at work? What if the H1B programmers all work on shady government contracts of little value? What if the accountants reliably vote left and support leftist policies?
I just described the area I live now, Northern Virginia. I'm not convinced it's a place that is really adding much to the country at large. The money all feels dirty, and the schools have all gone hard left (when they bothered to be open at all). COVID was miserable to be around because of the leftism, and how bad our school board and administration has been was national news.
Wealth and quality of life come from a whole social package. You can't just insert fungible worker cogs into a society and increase widget output in some linear equation.
Because they’re foreigners and because they’re unnecessary.
Why do you suppose Indians are worse than East Asians? In my experience, Indian-Americans have been pleasant to interact with and intellectual juggernauts.
Some mathematicians would have you believe a doughnut and a coffee mug are the same thing:
Edit: I'm going to leave this post up, but in light of Musk and Ramaswamy's comments, everyone with a brain can see BAP was spot-on in highlighting that the HBD movement was plotting some bullshit hijacking of the MAGA train. Perhaps only someone already wise to the motivations of the HBD crowd could see it so accurately. I am a firm believer that America must cultivate its own homeborn talent over importing desperate foreign labor, and that Musk's belief that the heartland is too retarded to code is stupid and contemptible. All honor to BAP for sighting it so early.
As always, the philosophical and psychological critiques of other perspectives are astute as they were in BAM, but I can't help but feel that the racism is starting to make your advice dubious and questionable. As SourCreamOnionFritz noted, I think the idea that people can't invent unless there's a certain demographic proportion of one race or the other is just blatantly absurd, and reads more like cope that Western nations are in profound danger of having intellectual talent sniped by Eastern institutions with blank checks.
Even in this comment section, you have one guy trolling about how the Irish are no different from the Indians and that WASPs should use both liberally, and you have another guy schizoranting about how rednecks in hurricanes are smarter than actual intellectuals. You yourself observe the actual problem which makes the HBD so powerful. You wrote, "The right cares nothing for its best young and tells them they’re on their own and that if their talents mean anything they will find success in “the market”…this is stupid." Of course it's stupid, but a working-class conservative father is going to feel like his son's a fag if his son wants to write poetry or study Schopenhauer. Maybe if his son is the school's star athlete he'll allow it. Intellectualism for its own sake is a liberal value in the United States, I can't speak on Europe. I remember once talking about heady ideas with someone my age, and when I said I learned something in graduate school, you could feel the simmering envy/contempt radiating from his soul. He'd been told all his life college was for faggots, that a real man learns how to work an electrical box, and here I was, teaching him all sorts of new ideas he'd been absorbing like a sponge.
I'll sound cynical and "clever" here: the White Working Class (particularly in the US) is too dysfunctional to produce anything of ideological worth beyond votes and bodies (Vance already diagnosed this in Hillbilly Elegy, himself being the exception to the rule; he also correctly diagnosed their self-destructiveness as a chief cause, along with an urbanizing economic landscape, not vague paranoic plots against them). WASP inheritors, by contrast, are more interested in finance, crypto, partying on yachts and oiling their bodies to actually give a shit beyond the occasional donation. It'll just never be esteemed to read Curtis Yarvin like it is on the Left to read Butler or Rawls. "Yeah, I think Democracy is Fake and Gay," the 2040 Presidential nominee says at the RNC, speaking to the enthusiastically self-despising masses before him. "I think all of you basically sort of being chattel, Attican slop farmers, while I go raid Phoenicians is unironically the best form of government."
This is all well and good if one is willing to have an Aristocratic divide in the modern conservative movement. Not everybody needs to read: some people are made to break rocks or flatten mortar. But the awful price of Trumpism and its European equivalents is that there can't be an overt literati for the movement. When your whole movement is based around on the idea that impotent schemers (Jews, Bureaucrats, etc.) are controlling you by circulating a nefarious web of mind-raping ideas, most people will defend themselves by shutting themselves off from the realm of ideas, not by skillfully critiquing what they read.
We have to find a way to get the heartland to understand that the refinement of one's intellect is not kowtowing to academics, that as you wrote in BAM, the powers of the intellect are what allows one to grasp the world and take it in one's hands for themselves. A new educational system that isn't built around building people into tools, but around making men capable of questioning the world and taking their rightful place in it, that's more important than either importing Indian replacements or aping Confucian educational standards.
This is astute. You have a unique voice (possibly a woman or mother) and should blog more.
An older Japanese businessman said he analyzed possible reasons why some Western countries were richer and more inventive compared to Asian countries. Came to believe their successful periods came when they were reading the Bible. So he read it himself and "something about the stories changes the mind." Stressed that listening to preachers doesn't work. He started his own company, became much more successful and strategic than his peers who were happy to live day to day. IMHO, many of our achievement limitations come from differences in belief and priority, which are cultural.
Super interesting! This emphasis of, don’t listen to preachers read the Bible, is major especially if approaching from an agnostic/psychological/spiritual place rather than from a legalistic/priestly(bad) place. The Bible can be a radical book.
I haven't read more than tidbits of the bible (got some weird stories in there though) but this interpretation of Abraham hit me hard:
Cheers I’ll definitely check it out. I would highly recommend the “Jordan Peterson psychological analysis of genesis” series on YouTube. Amazing lectures from before his health issues and before he converted. The appeal for me wasn’t why the bible is “true” it was why the bible has lasted so long and is so trippy and interesting.
I could see that. Exposure to Western ideas gave him just enough freethinking to gain a competitive advantage, but he still understood his own culture well enough to thrive in it.
Yes hello
I have to say, reading this as an autistic computer science student who also happens to be of 100% Bantu African origin. This is surreal. I don't know why I keep back to the "dissident right" space, I feel like porn addict seeking novel and taboo intellectual fap material. Anyway (I can't believe I am saying this) Big Fan, Keep the Great Work.
As a fellow non-white, I feel addicted to the dissident sphere as well but also to BAP despite my many disagreements with him. I know how ugly racism is but...there's just some truths that are hard for an objective person to brush aside.
I mean if a racist discovered real physics and how to properly apply it and no one else did. It's nonsensical to be crushed by reality just because said reality is made to look racist by association.
Truth, Goodness and Beauty remain what they are regardless of proponent. A broken clock right twice a day situation very often.
Don't be discouraged, just absorb as much as you can. Maybe read BAM, Twilight of Idols, Genealogy of morals, etc if you haven't. The DR isn's a political movement or "club". BAP has even referred to genius "black frog" on podcast before.
The cool thing about statistical averages is that they explain outliers like you.
The guy who wrote the three musketeers was half black. It's a pretty great book. I understand why it's one of the classics. Lots of heroism and chivalry and inventive spirited narrative.
I have no doubt that there is some portion of basically any ethnicity/society that could fit in (mostly) seamlessly with European societies. That portion merely waxes and wanes depending on the ethnicity.
I'm actually convinced things like the bell curve overstate the actual IQ differential because a smaller genetic difference will be magnified due to cultural factors.
In short, if you're good, keep at it. You have to be honest with yourself, but your knowledge of your own individual abilities is more important than any statistical group you may belong to. If there's a -1 to INT (and I'm not sure there is), well, maybe you rolled three 6's and have a 17. That's still better than most people.
And if you're not, use the knowledge you gained to pivot to something where you can use it to your own advantage--you might teach comp sci at schools for instance, or you might be good enough to code business software even if you can't work at Google. A lot of companies might be happy to have a 'diverse' person who isn't going to cause them headaches with protests and so on.
Secure the bag and do what you want with your life.
I agree with the comment by @SourCreamOnionFritz but also to make three additional comments.
1. BAP's general point that a simple "retvrn to tradition" in America re: free association, normal policing, is sufficient to solve our many of our urban social problems is well-taken, but his political theory of change is ridiculous. There is no getting back to a simpler time, or taking on the fake policy technocracy, without your own small army of technocrats. The "dictatorship" or "schoolhouse rock", model of change that BAP seems to believe in betrayed by every empirical investigation of the Trump administration's performance and the actions of Trump himself, who began the final year of his first term in office by firing the entire Presidential personnel office. You need some policy nerds, some clerks, and some paperwork experts on your side to get things done. If you alienate 99% of them, they will still join your government AS ENEMIES.
2. BAP's fondness (and prejudices) towards the WASPs lead him to completely neglect their issues and the how's and why's they were displaced by the Ellis Island and Asiatic elite in the first place. If there is no going back, then would not having one or two Singapores in the U.S. be an improvement?
3. Similarly, I also think that the HBD nerd's focus on race and IQ, while deficient in so many ways, also elevates the conversation on net because it makes so much of modern leftism untenable. A world in which leftists consist only of the most close-minded, and literally ignorant people, is a world in which their reach is more limited. See, for instance,
Rawlsian redistribution, mass redistribution to the deficient because they are deficient, simply does not play well in America. Instead, these policies are invariably framed as some kind of "investment" or given some other kind of economistic framing. Thus, the scope for practical anti-leftist arguments is large. The architecture of the most successful policy activism on the right in the last three decades, welfare reform, follows the logic of a right wing anthropologist Lawrence Mead, and was given considerable heft by an HBD race/IQ nerd who could well be a target of this article, Charles Murray.
Thank you for the detailed answer. If I may answer the counterpoints - With regards to;
1). There’s quite a “schoolhouse rock” way, it’s devolution of power from the unnatural New Deal Centralized arrangement back to America’s natural and organic Federation. Every American wide scale arrangement from the Iroquois to the Internet has been a Federation, we’re living through a power struggle of failing centralization. You would be correct if we wanted to take over The New Deal, or save DC. We don’t and we can’t (and shouldn’t). Trump isn’t running as the American Gaullist. To use a colorful metaphor, we don’t need technocrats if we have artillery, or matches. Metaphorical of course.
1a. BAP covered completely the technocratic methods for dealing with the particular boogeyman, Officer Stickwell of say the Giuliani policing era has both the correct techne and sufficient Crat to manage the issue.
(We knew all along, we tried, God knows).
We’re actually quite aware of why and how the WASPS fell, thank you.
We’ve come to realize IQ is overrated. For example, in any emergency but especially Natural Disasters, we have just seen again that in that scenario One Redneck is worth 1000 PhDs. The reverse isn’t true. The rednecks (I am one) also have the advantage of similar appearance to the WASPs, if not their fetching accountants and lawyers, who have recently become quite uncomfortable to realize they’re being lumped into the same category as the WASPS and shudder… the rednecks. It may of course be remarked that the WASPs in America began as Rednecks, and their er point 2 clerical usurpers as the urban variant of “redneck.”
I do hope this places all the rebuttal points in perspective. It is true that if we wanted to save the existing order you and the Heritage Foundation and it’s solicitous Project 25 would be correct… but we don’t want to preserve or reanimate the corpse… but bury it.
Thank you for reading, and God Bless Americans.
May he have mercy on the rest.
Bloviating, chest thumping, we gon do a coup
What coup? No one on the MAGA side wants DC.
I think you misunderstand America, and the movement against DC and the ACELA corridor. We want America, not DC, not Technocracy.
The Coup was the Color Revolution against Trump, before that a coup against Nixon.
Before that the Kennedys got shot.
You’re projecting.
It is my contention that Trump will "save the existing order" because there are few clerk-types on his side.
Oh good. But the existing order sir are clerks who’ve gone insane.
Perhaps I misunderstood save…
… or the term “order.”
My view is his very approach, the slightest and most insignificant challenges have toppled the existing order into madness and chaos.
But the problem at the DC level- and not by the way America overall - is there’s no replacement. This is disruption and devolution of power, it was never going to be pretty.
Mass opinion probably supports, and certainly does not strongly oppose, the establishment in D.C. Trump lost popular vote in both 2016 and 2020 and generic opinion polls show a robust consensus in favor of the biggest government programs, e.g. Medicare, Medicaid, social security, etc.
Trump will not be disruptive or devolve power. If you think he will, you should put forth an explanation for why he was not in his first term, but will be now.
My dear sir, your first sentence reveals we live in different universes.
We hate them back, you understand that?
They have long loathed us, we now hate them back.
In any case the Establishment is collapsing. That it trembles before PT Barnum Trump is a sign of such weakness as to betray hopelessness. Trump has already accomplished that purpose by merely persisting, their entire coalition gives way.
I don’t think anyone can save them, and in any case regardless of Trump’s intentions (which since they shot him can’t be entirely benevolent) he can’t save them… nor should he. Nor us.
BTW we do not exist for them, but they explicitly and by contrast politically and socially, Constitutionally exist for us…
…. Which they have forgotten and you don’t comprehend.
Finally as regards putting forth this or that proposition so you can disagree… you may be a teacher, but the world and me are not your students. I don’t care and neither does anyone else about making our case make sense to anyone but we ourselves… and you from tone are not one of us. Certainly our interests are opposed. You seem to have an interest in the DC Establishment- well … their interests are fatally opposed to ours - the American nation.
If they live, we die. If we live, they are De-Established. They the Establishment certainly speak and act as if they understand.
We shall make our case Tuesday, and I suspect make the matter far past Tuesday. Blessedly the matter shall next week either be settled or past talking, the blessing being we shan’t have to talk and propose any more…
…Good Luck… and Adieu…
@Bronze Age Pervert this is a very good retort and merits a response.
In your book and in this article you wisely advise RW men to enter more mundane clerk type fields like law or political consultant.
Yet here you have this psychoanalysis of nerdoid human type. Even if your assessment is part accurate the experience of trump admin 1. Revealed how necessary policy wonks and detail knowers are.
For instance, admin made many unforced errors due to lack of knowledge of admin law (they often outsourced these tasks to career employees who sabotaged and subverted, see eg; DHS head Elaine Duke in DHS v Regents case (DACA case)).
Bureaucrats can also just straight up refuse to do the legally necessary paperwork. So you need enough ideologically sympathetic clerks to replace them
Also, @Bronze Age Pervert i think many would appreciate u addressing the following article,
only the last part related to the dreary clerk question. The writer’s style and voice is familiar, and he engages in ad hom attacks (starting with the title of publication), but im sure it would be a worthwhile exchange
>You need some policy nerds, some clerks, and some paperwork experts on your side to get things done. If you alienate 99% of them, they will still join your government AS ENEMIES.
This seems to be the direction the (coming?) Trump admin is going for: firing the deep state and replacing them with our guys.
The odds of this actually happening are quite small and its in large part because BAP's "great man" theory is both common on the right and wrong. Trump will face no penalty for business as usual, and that is the direction he will go. Musk, Zionists, and a few other billionaires are likely to push for some initiatives, which have their merits, but that is as far as things are likely to go. That BAP encourages some people, in some cases, to join the security bureaucracy etc. is actually less important than the overall frame of mind that endorses the "great man" theory of change. The accumulation of evidence that this won't get us where we need to go is now enormous. You need some community of idea-people, you need some wonks, and some institutions to do things. A movement that denigrates the special knowledge of right-wing wonks, of which, HBD is an important part, will fail.
Our guys.
Not your guys.
It seems to me there is a tension in BAPs thought, which as far as I know he has not fleshed out publicly at this point, between his more "humanistic" goals (reestablishing an emphasis on man's excellence in its full sense body, mind, spirit) and the desire for continuation and acceleration of "technological civilisation". Right now the latter *needs* nerds. The projects may be reconcilable but it is a problem.
With respect to his eugenic goals, if these are to be implemented on a scale beyond a few friends on an island with a breeding oracle (BAP), a technocratic solution seems necessary? The best ideas we have now that go further than traditional reasonable governance might ---GWAS, selection etc. --seem to call for more sequences, more phenotypic observation, better models, more people/biological diversity and new ideas/technology that go beyond what we can imagine at the moment. A premature optimisation by too much early focus on "quality" may be counterproductive. Dismissal of HBD worries about collapsing birth rate may not be the best direction here?
The problem is he's a Nietzschean. I don't mean this to be pejorative, I mean that he's in a difficult spot of reconciling the rational account of how power in the world operates and how that create a state that engenders flourishing (namely through anonymous processes of legislature, jurisprudence and bureaucracy), and the flourishing life itself. The flourishing life, as you might imagine for BAP, never involves itself with paperwork. The Nietzschean ideal is something between a warrior and an artist, more inclined to unsettle the settled or burn down the prisons. How can someone who loves Nietzsche descend into the doldrums of designing a system of government? It's like asking a Kantian to indulge in erotic fervor.
He gives it away in BAM. Most people are going to live squalid stupid lives making the system run (even in enlightened cities, he argues that the plebs suffer so that some members of the upper echelons might live beautiful, meaningful lives), and that's just the price to be paid in a bureaucratic city. Now, granted, he's talking about cities in the Renaissance here if I recall correctly, but even then, the problem has probably worsened since then, not improved.
But what's odd is his Aristocracy is built around a kind of beauty, clearly sexual in nature (and vital insofar as vitality is sexy, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND as he claims in the first few chapters of BAM. Better to be a self-destructive rocker who genuinely thrills the ladies than to be a 5'11" futball legend who gives women unpleasant feelings). He praises warriors, but this can't be taken too seriously: we live in an age where you can train relentlessly and become based Evropa Chad who knows the sarissa. Then you get blown up by a non-binary tiktokker sipping on Starbucks via drone strike. What I suspect his real belief is that conservatives will win due to the elevation of special beauty individuals who create cults of loyal admirers through their charisma and erotic appeal, and these admirers will naturally create the systems out of love. And these charismatic and erotic people will have some special biological aspect that can be spread through their unbridled promiscuity.
The collapsing birthrate is bad from a eugenic perspective primarily because it dissuades high caliber people from having kids (contagion) and reduces genetic diversity from which selection takes place. The rest of your comment is sensible.
The scientific and industrial output of Japan is far from negligible. For instance, ivermectin was discovered by Omura.
I agree that black people's behavior is not some massive insurmountable problem dealing with which requires giga-Singapore.
None of this really matters in the long run because of cratering birth rates everywhere with an average IQ above 80. Whatever comes out the other end of this funnel will be equally distant from Singapore, SoHo and Haiti.
The practical foundation of modern civilization is precision machining, and the tools which make those machines. Here, too, Japan excels.
Eastern superior intelligence: both India and China teach chess in school and strive to be chess nations. After years of trying hard, their combined number of grandmasters: about 130 (pop: almost 3 billion). Chess culture in Scandinavia is small, it is not taught in school (or supported by the state), and is non striving. There are about 60 Scandinavian grandmasters (pop 27 million). What means?!
My reading of this is that FIDE Chess is culturally Western, while other cultures are wedded to their own historical variants, ie Shogi, Xianqi, Makruk, Sittuyin, et al. Just because you support a pursuit from the top-down, doesn't mean you'll get the bottom-up grassroots response you want.
And chess is not particularly popular in Scandinavia
Chess is hugely popular in India, also among the ‘’grassroots’’
I’ve come to treat with much suspicion the current RW idea of “racial solidarity” or “white identity.” At this point I see it mostly as DEI for non-Anglos. Populations Madison Grant would have rejected but who nonetheless have suddenly found a way to graft themselves onto the “Great Race.”
This is not in support of mass immigration, but I fail to see why a WASP should prefer this or that potato n166er or snow n166er (as they used to be called) to a Singaporean or a Korean.
People from eastern Europe, particularly the Balkans, do not appear more intelligent than non-whites but they're somehow lumped into the "white" label and then glorified by these RW morons who only think in terms of physical features. Similar dynamic for Scotch-Irish Americans. Heck, even the boring "salt of the earth" German-descent Americans in the Midwest have produced nothing in terms of art, science, or culture.
Why is so much fraternal solidarity extended to these groups by the dissident right?
>Why is so much fraternal solidarity extended to these groups by the dissident right?
Because they look and act like us.
No they don't. You live in a bubble.
Re E Euros: things are not nearly as simple as either of you make them out to be. They (mostly kind of) look like us, but they're not really the same people.
In the Balkans yeah they're dumber than W Euros--not nearly as dumb as blax--but this isn't the main problem. The thing that really makes them different is that they haven't created functioning societies. Instead they live in a state of unstable equilibrium brought about by the extreme mutual suspicion, resentment and petty competitiveness of the suffocating peasant longhouse (fedora tip to the author of this piece).
The Balkan country with which I'm best acquainted never had a native mass commercial middle class, and I think there are *many such cases* in the region. This is why peasant social mores are dominant in the Balkans today; there are other reasons, but this is the most important one. It's got *something* to so with IQ, but I don't think a gap of 2/3 of a SD or whatever is what really counts.
Balkanoids know this, which is why they ply you with obfuscatory half-true copes like 'oh yah if it wasn't for COMMUNISM we'd be EVEN MORE ADVANCED than you occidentals look at our beautiful traditions and we invented the jet engine also THE TURKS!' When they say this sort of thing they sound like blax invoking slavery--or, more crudely, RAcSiM--to explain why they can't understand mathematics.
There is a disturbing tendency among those who have spent time in NW Europe to take sides with the NW Euro hating subaltern races, including themselves in the hard-working/tax-paying/pension-supporting turd world multitude who keep your society afloat by cleaning your toilets. The things you hear from this kind of person are indistinguishable from the kind of stuff you get from Nigerian nurses in the NHS.
Also, as belt and road has come to their countries, some--out of self-interest combined with low-frequency resentment of the West--have become Sinophiles. This leads them to say things like 'oxoxoxo yes yes yes my friend of course of course if China had been ze ruler of the world instead of ze English it would be a much better place they are very wise and compassionate ze English very cold people yes of course my friend yes yes'
I lost you at the second to last paragraph. Can you please clarify what you were trying to say?
hehehe sorry mayb I got carried away with own verbosity
You know the 'we do the jobs you locals don't want to do coz you're too LAZY and OLD' meme the regime inculcates in the fruitpicker/arse-wiper races? Until very recently E Euros did such jobs in W Europe and bought into the meme. But it's ok: they're going home now because they're being completely displaced by cheaper subcontinentals, pinoys, Indonesians and Africans...
Most likely because it’s self-serving. The “dissident right” isn’t the historic America of Little House (because by and large that America doesn’t exist anymore). Instead they are a hodge podge of Bulgarians and Irish people calling itself the “Historic American Nation.”
The Midwest has been very industrial & innovative.
There seems to be a gradient. Tesla was the one cool thing to come from the Balkans.
But many Celts & Finns have produced great work in America. The Dutch & French have been extremely ingenuitive & philosophical. Russia has produced great works & shown itself resilient.
I would only say the Balkans, Iberians, & east-central Slavs are trash (Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Slovaks). This of course includes groups like Albanians.
Albanians seething
It's Anglo American protestantism and the Balkans had 100s of years of Ottoman Turks savagery to deal with. But yeah a Bolivian, zulu, aborigine or Maori are probably as smart.
Do you work a day job? I just imagine you having a Connelly for a boss and you just seethe "fucking potato negro" like a lunatic.
That was not exactly the point. More closely, if you don’t freak out about a Connelly you should also not freak out about a Kim or a Patel.
Okay, sorry for the friendly fire. Frankly, I don't have much of a problem with the Singaporeans or Indians myself, but I don't think the RW tendency towards White identity is insane. I think the honest answer to that question is this: the idea of there being a White Identity is stupid whenever the RW tries to generate one of its own accord. Like you say, the eugenicist factions didn't see the Irish or the Italians as part of the "Great Race". WASPs aren't Scots, Balkanoids are not People of the Potato.
But as a response to Leftist categorization schema, the idea of there being a White movement is actually rather logical. Think about it. Imagine a group, let's call them Group A. Group A is told incessantly is has all the privilege in the world by Group B. Group B, of course, controls the entertainment industry, most of the journals and chronicles, most of the academic institutions, I don't need to belabor it further. Group A, naturally, is at something of a disadvantage compared to Group B, and worse, has to refute charges that it already hoovers up everything. Because Group B is so powerful, Group A's definition is left to the whim of Group B. In this case, Group A is basically all the whites who aren't going along with the whole Obama thing. Whether your last name is Schmidt, Kowalski, or Newton, if you think Trump generally has the right idea, the Leftists are gonna put you in the same box. You see it with Elon Musk, for example, who's getting tarred and feathered the exact same way that Brian O'Sullivan would at the factory after he said he didn't want anymore immigrants.
I think in RW analysis of whiteness, White identity is basically anybody that you imagine a liberal academic would say is "privileged" and they don't bother checking the last names or the ancestry. I think a lot of RW is delusional about this, you know, it's a pride thing. They don't want to admit they're in the box the Leftists put them in (I don't see the problem, the Cavaliers back in the English Civil War took the name even though it was originally an insult levied at them). The attempts to mythologize or define it as a genetic thing are always bound to be retarded. The truth is "White People" is whoever isn't a minority, and who isn't allowed to have interests of their own without running the risk of being called racist.
I think BAP's problem here is that we ultimately end up with another two-tier system with a caste of East Asian technocrats and a band of White warm bodies at the bottom. I think he's being too harsh on East Asians though, and not harsh enough with the White base. Someone has to be smart enough to run the machine, and if the typical White is too dysfunctional to be of use to the monied, East Asians will have to fill the bill. Until we see Applachia start supplying anesthesiologists and historians, you've got to outsource it.
I naturally reject anti-whiteness. My family is white and I’d never acquiesce to any denigration of them. So yes, rejecting the left’s crude anti-whiteness is virtuous. But it doesn’t mean that the group the left hates is a great race of hyperboreans that I’m supposed to make-believe are “historic Americans.” Historic Americans are Anglo-Protestants, that’s pretty much it.
Also, if you define “hyperboreans” based on whomever the left lumps as whites, then Jews belong there too. The left considers Jews as whites, oppressors, blah, blah. But I don’t think the online right wingers who long for “Hyperborea” are very sympathetic to the inclusion of Jews.
Didn't quite get your view before this, many trvths learned.
Techcels tend to be spergy system analysts whose political insight amounts to, "What if the smartest people ruled the world? What if we have an exam? What if I check all the boxes?"
Eating potatoes now
This article just reads as a justification for maintaining your belief structure that Europeans are genetically and inherently superior while ignoring every counter factual. It gets quite boring after a while and maybe I will do a take down, but thee ancient Greeks were almost entirely Anatolian Neolithic farmer with very low levels of steppe ancestry. Romans had Levantine ancestry from Phoenicians. Anyway I I just the superiority theory dumb as it causes Westerners to rest on their laurels. The Turks are waiting, the blood of the Byzantines runs in their veins.
Selection can happen very rapidly so that a mostly Anatolian farmer pop can become high IQ under particular circumstances whereas a different mostly Anatolian population can be low IQ.
Can you imagine if like Augustus Caesar had decided to do eugenics and his lineage had just somehow survived to the modern age? Like CK3 superhuman type shit.
I like read BAP (am fledgling CR sub).
1 The theory that an Eastern orientation will doom American science to a striver pantomime culture works as a critique of "Dork Right" Sinophilia. As a standalone concern it makes less sense - American science is already almost as bad as Chinese science in terms of being perpetual citation-farm cargo cult (example- "cytokine storm" meme originates in China but dominates American lit on Covid-19 for next five years, absent any real existence as a facet of Covid-19).
1b So, I agree what SourCreamOnionFritz say comment below - American universities are already dependent on importing hoards of (your term:) "beiges" and this I think reflects absolute rot in American academia, no longer nurturing to American white / Jewish male ambition-to-master-nature if any such still is found in young. This rot is already clear in biology by the 1990s (begin of some recently-uncovered amyloid-hypothesis fraud) but probably starts with over-expansion/democratization of the field after 1960s. Only solution is return to more guild/society-like male-dominant silos. So you have this (minus male-dominance) in private biotech e.g. Sorrento Valley but even here the dependency on foreign talent is high. Lots of high-SDev Southeast Asians, some Europeans; notably not so many East Asians except in business and China-collab side. But none of these have yet made it so far in their respective pursuits to upend how everyone else is working and thinking, and the tendency may rather be that they are all driven by mundane marketing priorities to focus only on narrow practical improvements in this or that existing product. /tangent
2 Last three years especially police and young male disinterest in Chauvin and Penny scapegoating utter prove you right about inertness / causticity of race talk to white polities. I think "BAP turns chair backward and shares the real dope on race talk with the youth" is extreme important work. But perhaps more-so as it relates to formally political speech for the next few decades. In informal speech, where when not anonymous race-realism is, yes, career suicide, I think it is more a question of can a resumption of 19th/20th-C race question / "moral racism" societies now survive with the post-war Liberal Establishment so discredited as to make state suppression too destabilizing this go-round. And as soon as such societies exist, whites will resume understanding race as political (just as they did before 1970 and as all non-whites still do). Abolitionism as a mainstream concept didn't exist when Henry Ward Beecher was born and slavery was ended well before he died. Either same happens with "abolitionism of universal rights-ism" or west gets favela world anyway. I dunno the future though.
2b In the American context this is an important problem, because the "simple" tool of law and order as a solution to black crime is no longer available as a race-neutral political proposition. Americans of both political tribes embraced this when the staggering magnitude of black interaction with law enforcement and prisons required to effect it were conveniently ignored by the media; that's not going to ever happen again. There's no "second 90s" option.
What is interesting is that the Mandarin Class in China arose precisely because of intense warfare requiring scaling up to be effective. The Warrior Aristocracy getting eroded by attrition. The rise of the Infantry. And the need to collect taxes and organise on a large scale.
Also the Civil and Military Separation stopped Aristocrats from warring for the Throne. Cementing the King/Emperor in his place as he replaces Warrior Aristocrats with Dorks with power(Officials).