Extremely intrigued by what is effectively a teaser. I searched for “Background to Betrayal” by Hilaire du Berrier—the only two copies available are priced at $2,500 and $4,500! This is economic censorship. I would greatly appreciate at least an extended précis of its contents, at least until the JBS gets around to publishing a new edition. BTW your argument is totally corroborated by the memoir of Earl Smith, US Ambassador to Cuba from 1957 - 1959, who blamed leftist sympathisers in the State Department and CIA for Castro’s rise to power.

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Cord Meyer was another key figure in establishing the Left's presence in the early CIA.


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He, like a lot of these guys, was one of the original globalists. GHWB too. The idealism was real, even if it served more and more as cover for naked ambition. The liberal idea that we could all join hands and sing kumbaya was widespread - it helped a lot that the US was on top after the war. I think some of these men really thought they could remake the world in our image. Although in a lot of places that probably amounted to little more than making a mess.

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I would have been taken in by this narrative if I hadn't been reading Peter Dale Scott's American War Machine right now. Nothing BAP points out here cannot be explained by the CIA's pragmatic approach to containing and rolling back communist influence, whether that includes installing right-wing governments or supporting non-communist leftists. He claims that the CIA "supported left wing regimes as often or more often than it tried to topple them" but the tweet he links to is his own simply making an adjacent claim without furnishing examples or evidence for either. I look forward to reading the next two installments in the series to see if they are able to change my mind.

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BAP makes sense when you consider everyone who is not a sworn fascist is a communist to him

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The cia introduced “non communist” left elements in regions where the left wasnt a threat, so it wasnt just midplaced pragmatism

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Read the next article in the series

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Absolutely. I found this article disappointing. BAP is one of our most astute cultural critics and should be giving us his razor-sharp takes on movies, food, and manners, not regurgitating the rantings of some rightly forgotten French crank.

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Extremely excited to read this! Every time I see you poast a new article or essay I am immediately fascinated

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Go off Unc

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Yes hello

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yes hhelo

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Thanks for the link to that interesting Palladium article by Costin Alamariu. Seems like an interesting contemporary voice.

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"piledriven and chopped up and re-plated by tedious old hags like Noam Chomsky and the whole of the academic left since at least 1960"

Thank you for accurately depicting Gnome Chumpsky. That assklown aggravates me no end. Why anyone EVER listened to that aging pile of Marxist horseshit is a Mystery For The Ages. How anyone could credit a linguistics guy with anything other than expertise in linguistics is yet another Mystery; like that wheelchair physics guy, Stevie Hawking, going on about politics...stick to physics, smart guy. Once these guys go off their plantation, they need to shut the Hell up.

Yours is an excellent essay. I'm grateful to see the gospel of what the CIA has been really getting up to over the decades coming out. That bunch of mid-wit incompetents needs a culling.

I interviewed with CIA in 1999; what HUBRIS! It took 4 hours of talking with them before they had the common decency to credit me with having 'got my scalp' by running operations for the Army in Somalia. They copied all our files and started preempting our source meets without so much as a courtesy call to tell us they were doing so. Not a very professional or sneaky batch of boobs. They had the budget tho...all the nicest toys.

I look forward to your next essays in this line. THANK YOU for shedding light on all of this.

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https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=149120381 Background to Betrayal

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CIA meddling as “the expression of an inherent leftist, egalitarian liberation theology that was genuinely believed by these men” rings true. The winners of WWII took for granted that their world view should be universally shared. You can see the through line to today’s do-gooder meddling. And it’s about time the notion of the omnipotent CIA was demolished. What is more likely in cases of little accountability is that any messes were easily shoved down the memory hole.

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Tucker Carlson has the credibility of a pregnant nun. His comments regarding Winston Churchill as the leading villain of WWII eliminate him from the ranks of people whose thoughts should be considered. Mike Benz on the other hand seems consistent and at least intending honesty. His description of the CIA and related intelligence organizations is not "amoral and competent," but rather immoral and of middling competence at best. All three times I've heard him have ben on the topic of the leftist/internationalist/anti-free speech bent of the the intelligence agencies and State Dept. Maybe those were three outliers.

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Funny enough I rewatched recently Barcelona, and the references to the AFL-CIA have new meaning now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9naLNBqblY

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You people are very obsessed with looks!

It’s weird because you’re always very ugly🤣

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Naomi Klein should be tied to a chair clockwork orange style and forced to read this essay until she disavows her retarded communist beliefs

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Make the AI play button imitate BAP’s voice 🙏🏴‍☠️

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What did a novelist have a character think? "The OSS was more Red than Stalin's Moscow". And the CIA inherited a lot of that attitude.

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What novel is this? Google turned up nothing

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